Master joined Her with His cane and not the kind you walk with. yes the fire that was burning on my pussy was out now and a new one had started on my ass. i only wish i could show my face on this blog so you could really see my enjoyment of this days activity.
i can not tell you how many swats were given to my ass but i do know Mistress did have two crops going at one time for each cheek. i tried my best to thank Her for each one as i am required to do. i must always say "thank you Master/Mistress i deserve that, may i have another" and do my best to do it after each one. sometimes i lose my breath due to the pain and can't and that just brings more swats.
now with a blaze on my ass i forgot about the one on my cunt. Master than told me that it was time for me to give Mistress some attention as i had been getting it all so far. i was released from my bonds and was to go to work with my tongue on Her. it was time for Her to join me being naked as i kissed and licked on Her nipples as i worked my way down to her smooth naked pussy.
i enjoy giving Her pleasure as i hear Her moan and see Her twist as i lick Her wetness. she tastes so sweet and enjoys it so much. it is always fun to make a person feel good with my tongue in the right spot. i know She enjoys what i do to Her by how Her body reacts and if i am doing something wrong She can and will let me know.
i am just a slave after all.
kk, Thank you for posting the pictures (or should I thank Master?). I also enjoyed reading about the waxing. I've not been waxed yet, and the idea of being tied up to do so is very appealing!
that looks like the wax i use. and yes, please do take toy's advice about lotion to control the ingrown hair situation.
And a lovely smooth slave at that. This made me kinda wet. i kept imagining a woman cropping me as i was waxed (beats the dichotomy of what we talk about during my waxing)
Your photos are absolutley stunning, as are you.
Speaking of waxing, i'm about due... (must be cleared by my Owner)
very nice pictures, enjoyed the post
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what a great group of friends.
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